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How does a church service go?

We truly invite you to join us in the worship services in our church. But maybe you feel uncertain about what to expect of a church service or how such a service goes off. On this page you will find the liturgy (i.e. the course of a service). The meaning of the various parts of the liturgy will be explained briefly. Do feel welcome to join in.

General remarks
– If you have not got a Bible with you: please note Bibles for use during worship service are available at the entrance of the church. Apart from an english Bible for reading, you might want to take a dutch Bible, since this has in it also the Psalms in rhyme, as they are sung in the services. There will be somebody around to help you find your way.
– You may notice that in our worship services women wear a hat: The reason for that is found [ I Corinthians 11:5]
Also some men, for the sake of reverence, will stand during prayers.
– Boards in the church itself indicate the Psalms that will be sung as well as the Scripture reading.
– The leadership of the church consists of elders and deacons. The main concern of the elders is the spiritual well-being, deacons concentrate on physical needs Together they are known as church council or consistory.

Course of worship service
Introductory organ playing.
Before the actual start of the service the organ will be played.

Silent prayer
Opportunity for a personal silent prayer.
Votum: the minister prays for God’s blessing, e.g.: Our Help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth. Amen.
Benediction: God promises to give His blessing, e.g.: Grace be unto you and peace from God the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, in communion with the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Opening song
This is the first psalm indicated on the boards. It can be found in the Dutch Bible.

Reading either the Ten Commandments or the Apostles’Creed.

In the morning services the Ten Commandments will be read. God has given His Law fthat we have a guideline for our life. The Ten Commandments can be found in the second book of the Bible: Exodus 20:1‑17. We will then sing a psalm.

In the afternoon/evening services the Apostles’ Creed will be read,
followed by the singing of a psalm.

Singing during collection of alms.

We will sing a few stanzas of a psalm. At the same time there will be a collection of gifts. The minister will mention the purposes for which the collections are destined, before singing.

In the sermon a part of the Bible will be explained. Sometimes a section of the Heidelberg Catechism is used as a guideline.

The sermon will take about 45 minutes and will be interrupted by singing. The sermon ends with the word : “Amen”

Prayer of thanksgiving

The minister will thank God for His help and support.

Announcements and Closing psalm.

After giving thanks, announcements are given and then we will sing a closing psalm. After this psalm the congregation  stands up.


E.g.: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.

The consistory leaves the church.

Organ playing
The organ starts playing as soon as the consistory will have left the church. Then the congregation will leave the church.